If you do observe children you know, please be sure to submit the record log in addition to the transcripts. You need to observe videos of preschoolers playing for 2.5 hours and keep a running record of what the children are doing while you are watching. Below is a list of videos you can watch. […]
Archive for July, 2020
Adult Vocational Development
The value and meaning of work in adulthood. The social roles and meanings associated with workwhat one does for a living or as a professionare among the most complex and important identities associated with individuals in our society For this journal assignment, reflect on the substance and theoretical foundation of what you have learned this […]
Evolving teacher practices in the 21st century
As an advocate for improving teaching in the 21st century, create a 12-15 slide digital presentation for an audience of district personnel. Your goal is to get them to support your ideas and to better understand your schools current climate. You must include a title, reference slide, presenter notes, and 3-5 peer-reviewed scholarly sources. In […]
Episodic Memory
Cloning anyone?? There are ethical concerns for certain, but also the role of the environment cannot be underestimated. We have a genotype and phenotype. Phenotype is influenced by environmental factors. For instance, when researchers cloned a cat with the clone being an exact genetic makeup of the other cat, the cloned cat showed a different […]
Air Transat flight 236 accident report
aviation accident investigation SFTY330only stating facts throughout the paper a brief abstract is required 1.0 Brief History of Flight1.1 On Scene Actions1.2 On Scene Observations1.3 Airport Information and Weather1.4 Flight Information and Mission1.5 Aircraft Information1.6 Pilot Information1.7 Company Information1.8 Miscellaneous Information1.8A Witness Interviews1.8B Company Interviews1.9 Final Analysis2.0 Findings 2.1 Recommendations
Divorce (Why do people get divorced? Why are divorce rates so high in the US?)
In your Literature Review, you are asking and answering a question. You are not comparing and contracting articles. You are not evaluating the limitations in the literature. You are answering a question. The way you approach your question (i.e., your subtopics) are determined by the research, not by what you think should be covered. To […]
Breakfast of Champions
A meta novel is a novel that is aware of it being a novel. The second part of Don Quijote, for example, is a meta novel, and so is Breakfast of Champions. In BOC the author makes an appearance in the narration, which he is narrating. To make things creepier but more relatable, if you […]
Modern Poetry
As for that paper, you are free to choose any topic of interest that has to do with the works we have read in the course. You may want to compare authors on a particular theme, or perhaps show how a writer’s biography influenced his work. You may want to pursue a specific theme, for […]