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Archive for June, 2020

game music

the upload file are the book we read this semester For this assignment, students should adopt the case-study model used by many of the authors we will read this semester, and craft an argument about video game audio by using one specific game as an exemplar.  These arguments can be rooted in music theory (that […]

Week 4 Discussion 1 HUM III

What did you learn about this structure that was a surprise to you or resonated with you about building relationships in the workplace? Did the people who built this wall have to work together? Are there any lessons to be learned about building relationships across philosophical divides (differing world views) in the workplace? Note: Please […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you need to reflect on the research that you have done on your research topic. Of the research journals that you have completed, pick the 5 most credible or most exhaustive sources that you have found and recorded. Then, you need to take those sources you have already found and create an […]

Week 3 Discussion 1 HUM III

Have you selected your topic yet for next week’s assignment? Which of these two ancient mysteriesKing Tut and the Pyramids of Gizainterests you the most? Why? Share two reasons why you find your choice interesting.What is it about these two mysteries that have captivated us for centuries?


The project is one of the major components of this course. The goal is to write aresearch proposal, and research progress and report. You will first work in teams todevelop pre-proposal (2 pages long, see the guidelines at the end of the instructions)study and choose a topic and then develop a research proposal. The projects […]

Planetary motion lab

The gravitational constant, symbolized G, is a physical constant that appears in the equation for Newton’s law of gravitation. Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), the English mathematician, quantified the behavior of the force of gravity. He noticed that the gravitational force between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to […]

Operations Management

The project regarding Face Mask industry, your report should include the followings:Introduction section: purpose, types, demand, flow chart regarding production stages from raw materials all the way to final consumers, specifications of different types. Section two: Production stages:Include detail description of each stage with inputs, outputs, and machines used

Why can my grandfather not speak as well since his stroke

I’m taking a music course in a university. This course requires a research essay about vocals. The essay need 2 references that can be from a book, journal, or website. Please have a strong written paper which focuses on the vocals (what are they and why my grandfather’s vocal changed). Thanks!

English. Greek tragedy

Intro paragraph    Define the tragic hero, according to Arp and Johnson which is your text book.  Then in a thesis, state your position that Oedipus does/does not qualify as a tragic hero.  Include three reasons why. Body paragraphs    Discuss your reasons you mentioned in your thesis. (one per paragraph)  Provide evidence in the form of […]

HW 7.1 Bosquejo

Use e-books to research Freud’s psychodynamic theory, structures in life development, Erickson’s psychosocial theory and its stages of development, and Bowlby’s theory of attachment, its central characteristics and its particularities in each life cycle stage. Prepare a summary or an outline explaining each of these theories. It must follow the proper format of an outline.At […]

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